Thursday, November 22, 2012

3 Types of Pastors in the Church

1. This is the man that goes to school because he likes the calling, the money and or the fame, just learning from man but not from God, and has not experienced the Lord in his everyday life so he cannot apply scriptures that he does not believe.

2. This is the man that goes to school to learn and believe the truths, as long as they line up with his experiences and feeling, and seeks to share his experiences with people, who he tries to draw men closer to God without truth or fellowship with God.

3. This is the man that is raised up in the church and has a good reputation, wisdom and full of the Holy Spirit, learned in the experiences of growing in grace that the Lord teaches through the word, then goes to school to expand his teaching knowledge, and grows in his relationship with God so that he can go out to teach.

Which type of man will you seek to be?

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